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Category: CXone - CX Cloud

11 blogs

All in the Family: NICE inContact CXone and NICE Nexidia Customer Engagement Analytics

​I am sitting in a beautiful old hotel in New York City contemplating all things CX, after a long day helping my teammates at our Silver Sponsor booth at the Forrester CXNYC 2018 event. But what CX really means to each company is as diverse as each personality in the showcase room. The beauty of NICE inContact CXone is in the fact that the solution speaks to every business's persona, every nuance of each business's language, every common or diverse business need. Why did NICE inContact call the solution CXone after all?

How to take the first step to your CCaaS journey of managing your workforce from the cloud

​Although the notion of delivering computing as a service, where users pay for shared resources based on their usage, has been around for decades, it was not until a couple of years ago that cloud computing in its current form emerged. The contact center cloud market is at the most significant inflection point in its 30-plus–year history. The cloud-based contact center infrastructure market is booming and showing no signs of slowing.

Five Ways Smart Routing Can Help Build Lifelong Loyalty with CXone for Enterprises

Close your eyes and picture some of your most memorable experiences as a consumer – the kind of moments that keep you coming back as loyal ‘regular’. Chances are that at least one of those involved a local business where you and the merchant can almost reach each other’s minds. For me, I’m unflinchingly loyal to my neighborhood café. Every Saturday they personalize my breakfast taco order so that I’m confident that mine will have a spicy kick, yet my oldest daughter will be drama-free with a no-frills quesadilla. If we sit outside at night they start us off with just the right drinks for the weather – and never forget a water bowl for our golden retriever. In short, they’ve made me a customer for life.